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Grading will be by invitation only and a minimum of 3 years must have elapsed since Nidan grading.
All Kihon and Combination Techniques are performed from the Free Style Position
- Kizami-Zuki/Mae-Geri/Sanbon-Zuki x 5 Turn
- Age-Uki/Mae-Geri/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Forward & Back
- Ude-Uke/Empi/Uraken/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Forward & Back
- Uchi-Uke (Kokutsu Dachi)/Kizami-Zuki/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Forward & Back
- Shuto-Uke/Mawashi-Geri (Front Leg)/Nukite x 5 Forward & Back
- Mae-Geri/Mawashi-Geri/Uraken/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Turn & Back
- Mae-Geri/Kekomi/Shuto-Uchi/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Turn & Back
- Step Back Age-Uke/Mawashi-Geri (Back Leg)/Uraken/Oi-Zuki x 5 Turn & Back
- Mawashi-Geri (Front Leg)/Ushiro-Geri/Uraken/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Turn & Back
- Kekomi (Front Leg)/Step Forward: Mae-Geri/Oi-Zuki/Gyaku-Zuki x 5 Turn
- Gyaku-zuki/Mae-Geri/Mawashi-Geri/Shuto-Uchi/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Turn
- Keage/Kekomi (on the same leg stepping over) x 5 Forward & Back
- Face the front: Mae-Geri-Keage/Mae-geri-Kekomi x 5 Both Sides
- Face the front: Mawashi-Geri x 5 Both Sides
- Face the Front: Mae-Geri/Kekomi/Ushiro-Geri/Mawashi-Geri x 5 Both Sides
- Kihon Ippon Kumite:
(2 Jodan, 2 Chudan, 2 Mae-Geri, 2 Kekomi, 2 Mawashi-Geri) Hidari & Migi - Jiyu Ippon Kumite:
(2 Jodan, 2 Chudan, 2 Mae-Geri, 2 Kekomi, 2 Mawashi-Geri, 2 Kizami-Zuki, 2 Gyaku-Zuki, 2 Ushiro-Geri) Hidari & Migi - Okuri Jiyu Ippon:
(2 Jodan, 2 Chudan, 2 Mae-Geri, 2 Kekomi, 2 Mawashi-Geri) Hidari & Migi - Free Style with five consecutive people
- Any of the following Kata of the examiners choice:
Heian kata Shodan to Godan, Tekki Shodan, Bassai Dai, Kanku-Dai, Empi, Jion, Jitte, Ji’in, Gankaku, Hengetsu, Tekki Nidan, Nijushiho, Kanku-Sho, Sochin, Chinte, Tekki Sandan
One of the above advanced kata to be selected as tokui kata which is to be performed twice high speed and slowly with interpretation.
A good understanding of bunkai incorporated kyusho jutsu must be demonstrated.