[ UPDATE ] Another opportunity to train with the EKF National Elite Squad !

  The next session will be undertaken by Natalie Payne (in the top 100 in the world and current British and English Champion). This will be on Sunday 31st May at 11am and is open to all EKF Members. The session will focus predominantly on strength and conditioning – key components for any kata athlete. Please e-mail [email protected] with you name, Association and licence number to reserve your place. Access … Continue reading [ UPDATE ] Another opportunity to train with the EKF National Elite Squad !

[ UPDATE ] An opportunity to train with the EKF National Elite Squad !

  Hi all, we hope you are keeping safe and have managed to settle in a positive routine that involves regular karate training. We would like to draw your attention to the below opportunity, to train with members of the EKF National Elite Squad. Should you be interested, please contact the EKF directly with your license number (contact details provided below) or alternatively, please speak … Continue reading [ UPDATE ] An opportunity to train with the EKF National Elite Squad !

[ FEATURE ] 1sqm online seminar (with Scott Langley & Co.) : training notes

  Another weekend, and yet further training opportunities !… After a 1.5 hour session with Scott Langley & Felipe Martins on Saturday, the HDKI organised yet another seminar on Sunday, 2 hours’ long, with Scott and the HDKI Hombu Dojo teaching crew : – Scott Langley 6th Dan – Ross Stewart 4th Dan – Audrius Janusauskas 3rd Dan – Ru Mew 2nd Dan The first … Continue reading [ FEATURE ] 1sqm online seminar (with Scott Langley & Co.) : training notes

[ FEATURE ] 1sqm online seminar (with Scott Langley & Felipe Martins) : training notes

  As a reminder: the CKA is currently operating a reduced online training schedule, with opportunities to train on Mondays (7pm), Tuesdays (7pm), Wednesdays (7pm) and Thursdays (6:45pm). To obtain login details, please contact your instructor or alternatively use the forms on this website. But the current situation is also providing additional opportunities to “meet” and train with senior karateka willing to (virtually) open their … Continue reading [ FEATURE ] 1sqm online seminar (with Scott Langley & Felipe Martins) : training notes

[ FEATURE ] 1sqm online seminar (with Scott Langley & Guy Brodeur) : training notes

  Most of us are now training and connecting using modern technologies such as Zoom and FaceBook Live. The CKA is currently operating a reduced online training schedule, with opportunities to train on Mondays (7pm), Tuesdays (7pm), Wednesdays (7pm) and Thursdays (6:45pm). To obtain login details, please contact your instructor or alternatively use the forms on this website. In addition to this, a few clubs … Continue reading [ FEATURE ] 1sqm online seminar (with Scott Langley & Guy Brodeur) : training notes

[ FEATURE ] About the development and impact of competition Karate…

  In our series of articles written in view of the current crisis and to complement your physical training, please find a short piece looking at the development of sport karate in the 20th century, its relation to Budō, its influence on Kumite, Kata and Kihon, as well its impact on the evolution of karate as a whole… Osu… “It is not important to be … Continue reading [ FEATURE ] About the development and impact of competition Karate…

[ FEATURE ] Karate : a brief history of time…

  “The only thing constant in life is change.” Heraclitus (535-475 BC) Over the past few weeks, events in the world – and sadly closer to home – have brought dramatic changes to the way our modern societies operate as well as to the way we interact with each other. In our karate circles, physical dojos have been replaced by virtual dojos all over the … Continue reading [ FEATURE ] Karate : a brief history of time…


  Dear CKA members and their loved ones, I hope that this message finds all karateka and their loved ones safe and healthy. Currently all of us around the globe find ourselves in an unprecedented public health crisis. This situation has touched us all in one way or another and will no doubt impact our lives in the weeks and months ahead. This impact may … Continue reading [ UPDATE 3 / COVID-19 ] MESSAGE FROM DAVENPORT SENSEI (直心是道場)