Most of us are now training and connecting using modern technologies such as Zoom and FaceBook Live. The CKA is currently operating a reduced online training schedule, with opportunities to train on Mondays (7pm), Tuesdays (7pm), Wednesdays (7pm) and Thursdays (6:45pm). To obtain login details, please contact your instructor or alternatively use the forms on this website.

In addition to this, a few clubs or associations may open their doors to external students, as this was the case yesterday where the HDKI allowed non-HDKI members to attend a training session on the 11th of April with Scott Langley & Guy Brodeur. A summary of the session is provided below, together with a selection of short videos :

After a short warm-up including exercises to loosen up the shoulders, the first part of the session focused on combinations designed to understand the importance of relaxation to achieve maximum power generation.

(a) In zenkutsu dachi : gyaku empi – relax (same hand) – gyaku tsuki;
(b) In kiba dachi (and similarly to tekki shodan) : empi to the side – relax (ikite) – gedan barai;
(c) In zenkutsu dachi : gyaku tsuki – relax (ikite same hand) – gyaku tsuki;
(d) In zenkutsu dachi : relax (ikite) – gyaku tsuki (same hand) – relax (ikite);
(e) In zenkutsu dachi : (c) followed by (d);
(f) In kiba dachi (and similarly to bassai dai) : empi to the front – relax – gedan barai;
(g) In zenkutsu dachi : maegeri (back leg) on the spot (stepping back) – maegeri (back leg) stepping forward – front leg mawashi geri (stepping back) – quickly jump to switch legs and start again immediately (use the jump and each landing to power the next technique).

The second part of the session was spent taking a look at specific details of the Heian kata, going through Nidan, Sandan, Yondan and finally Godan.

Main takeaways : (1) it is better to kick low in a mechanically correct manner rather than high and incorrectly; (2) relax, relax, relax… (especially your shoulders!) ; (3) when striking, it is important to realise that the punch represents 5% to 10% of the technique only : the complete technique starts by connecting to the ground and using the back leg, hips, core, and shoulders to generate maximum power ; (4) use the stretch in your body to produce the next technique.

Thank you to Langley Sensei and Brodeur Sensei for an insightful session. To quote Rick Hotton : “The space in between is never empty !”.


Part of the session can be viewed here.

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